More than just football...

EyUp Sports is a fantastic and inclusive community! Encouraging people of all ages, abilities, and body types to participate in team sports is a wonderful way to promote physical fitness, social interaction, and mental well-being. Inclusive sports communities like EyUp Sports provide opportunities for people to stay active and healthy but also foster a sense of belonging and camaraderie.

Promoting diversity and inclusivity in sports is not only about physical fitness but also about creating a supportive and welcoming environment for everyone, regardless of their background or abilities. It's great to see communities like EyUp Sports taking this approach to make sports accessible and enjoyable for a wide range of people. Such initiatives can have a positive impact on individuals' physical and mental well-being, leading to healthier and happier communities.

From £15.60 a month

You get loads, including;

Up to 60 minutes of game time per week
Weekly weigh-in and EyUp App tracking
Healthcare App with access to free counsellors

Wellbeing Locations in Yorkshire


Bradford - Established with 6 teams
Leeds - About to launch (contact us to express interest)

Other EyUp clubs will be launched in 2024